I strive to do everything as streamlined as possible, and the same way every time so I can fly on autopilot. This way I am not wasting time and energy. Here is my new Chicken Broth routine. Totally doable and easy.
1. Get the crock pot out.
I personally leave mine out in the laundry room. I will have this broth going for more that 24 hours, and I hate to smell it in the middle of the night, so I hide it in the laundry room. Plus, hubby hates things cluttering up the kitchen. I am blessed with a small counter space in my laundry room. My laundry room is my domain. Notice the cute little curtain and all the green and pink? You will find this no where else in my house. Thank you hubby for helping me make a space of my own. :) BTW, I do not leave the crock pot on with the curtain closed. Too scared of fire. Just closed it for looks. :)
2. Buy a whole chicken.
My personal favorite - Costco organic chickens. Two in a pack for about $20. But if I can't get to Costco, any chicken will do. I am called by God to live within my means, so if I can't afford an organic chicken so be it. I will do my best with what I have, and trust Him to do the rest.
3. Prep the chicken.
Defrost the chicken if necessary. Then, put the chicken in the sink and remove the wrapping. Take out the giblet package. This contains the neck and some organs. Yum, yum, these are apparently great for your body, so cut the package open and empty it into the crock pot. Rinse the chicken inside and out and stuff it into the pot. I stay stuff, because it really is stuffed into my small pot. Hopefully, someday I will have a bigger one. :)
4. Fill the pot with water and turn it on.
Cover the chicken. Leave some room for veggies and simmering bubbles. Since I am usually doing this sometime in the afternoon, I start the broth on high so the first batch will be done by 8pm or so.
5. Add some veggies.
My favorites: carrots, onion and garlic. If you don't have time right away, no worry. Do it when you can. BTW, Costco big bag of organic carrots for $5. What a deal, and a good way to get kids helping in the kitchen--peeling carrots. Feel free to add some seasoning as well. Maybe some pepper and salt. I add salt later when I use the broth.
6. Drain the pot and pull out the meat.
After a few hours, I just take a big ladle and use it to fill my glass pitcher with broth. I get as much out of the pot as possible. Then I take some tongs and try to get out all the meat. The carcass is totally falling apart by this point, so look out for little bones! The meat goes straight into a corning ware dish and into my fridge. This week I will use it in soup and for lunches. The pitcher of broth also goes into my fridge.
See the broth in the upper right corner? That is two batches worth. Chicken meat is in the lower left.
7. Fill the pot with water, turn to low and don't think about it again until the next morning.
Leave all the bones and veggies in the pot.
8. In the morning, drain the pot again.
Add the broth to the broth you have already. Fill the pot again with water, and let is simmer all day.
9. In the evening, drain the pot again.
I now have enough broth for the week. One cup each morning, and some for soup. I have read that the broth will last one week in the fridge, and I tested this last week with no ill side-effects. However, feel free to freeze some and defrost it mid-week. Especially if you have a small family and a big crock pot. This is also good to do if there's no way your kids and hubby are going to drink broth. :)
10. Dump the remains and clean the pot.
Let everything cool before you throw it in the trash. :)
Monday, November 19, 2012
RESET Continues
Wow, so it's been a month since my last post. So much for documenting my RESET, but such is life. A lot has happened in the past weeks. Shortly after the last post, I stumbled across the GAPS diet again, and they used the term RESET. I decided to take a closer look since we seemed to be on the same page. My library didn't have the book and I refuse to spend money on things like that when we have the internet at our disposal and, really, I am the only one in my family interested in this stuff.
Long story short, it seems to boil down to getting your gut in order. LOTS of probiotics and bone broth. I spent a week eating only boiled meat, crazy cake without the cocoa - which is yummy, baked apples, boiled veggies, and lots of chicken broth. Then we went out of town and I ate pizza--felt totally gross that night and the next morning. Got back on track and implemented even more probiotics the next weekend, and had another yuck day. I am pretty good during the week, and not as good on the weekends. This has prompted my Baby Steps page. I seem to be best with no dairy and little wheat. I am not concentrating on the blood type diet, but instead focusing on my body and how it reacts to foods. For instance, I now think I can link stinky gas to tomatoes-which is, btw, on my blood type no-no list. :) And, I think I can finally admit that pizza and grilled cheese just aren't for me. I wake up in the morning with major sinus drainage. :( But when there's nothing else in the house to eat...Baby Steps. :)
Long story short, it seems to boil down to getting your gut in order. LOTS of probiotics and bone broth. I spent a week eating only boiled meat, crazy cake without the cocoa - which is yummy, baked apples, boiled veggies, and lots of chicken broth. Then we went out of town and I ate pizza--felt totally gross that night and the next morning. Got back on track and implemented even more probiotics the next weekend, and had another yuck day. I am pretty good during the week, and not as good on the weekends. This has prompted my Baby Steps page. I seem to be best with no dairy and little wheat. I am not concentrating on the blood type diet, but instead focusing on my body and how it reacts to foods. For instance, I now think I can link stinky gas to tomatoes-which is, btw, on my blood type no-no list. :) And, I think I can finally admit that pizza and grilled cheese just aren't for me. I wake up in the morning with major sinus drainage. :( But when there's nothing else in the house to eat...Baby Steps. :)
Sunday, October 14, 2012
RESET Week 1 recap
This week wasn't so good. I felt bad about every other day, we went on a mini-vacation and I am still clearing things, like dairy, out of the fridge. There is progress, though: made homemade crackers, Crazy Cake made for the week, veggies chopped up, salad made, and the cheese is almost gone. :)
Goals this week:
no beef
veg for breakfast
get rid of the dairy
introduce blackeyed peas
eat salad 2x daily.
I am also starting a food log that will hopefully help me narrow down what foods my body does not like.
Goals this week:
no beef
veg for breakfast
get rid of the dairy
introduce blackeyed peas
eat salad 2x daily.
I am also starting a food log that will hopefully help me narrow down what foods my body does not like.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
RESET Day 2: Crazy Cake
This is something I've been meaning to post for some time. We've been eating this for a while, so it isn't really a RESET, but I figured I should tell you about it. Crazy Cake got its name because it doesn't make any sense to me! There is no flour, yet it has the consistency of cake...crazy! Eggs aren't on the fabulous list for A or O, but from my traditional eating background, they are supposed to be great for you. Plus, we have chickens. :) Peanut butter is on the A highly beneficial list. It is a no-no for type O, but hubby eats yogurt for breakfast.
Following my "If you are taking time to cook something, double it if at all possible!" motto, I double this recipe and cook them side by side in the oven. I store the cut up pieces in gallon size baggies. This is so easy for kids to serve themselves for breakfast. Decent amount of protein - approx. 12 grams, and low on sugar - approx 13 grams, but yummy!
Following my "If you are taking time to cook something, double it if at all possible!" motto, I double this recipe and cook them side by side in the oven. I store the cut up pieces in gallon size baggies. This is so easy for kids to serve themselves for breakfast. Decent amount of protein - approx. 12 grams, and low on sugar - approx 13 grams, but yummy!
Crazy Cake
Adapted from:
3/4 jar almond
butter, peanut butter, or a combo
4 eggs
2/3 c grapeseed
2/3 c pure
maple syrup or rapadura raw sugar
½ c cocoa
4 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking
½ tsp sea salt
- Pre-heat oven to 350. Grease 9x13 pan.
- Place everything into food
processor with s blade. Combine
until smooth.
- Taste…I think this is yummy! J
- Pour in pan and bake about 30
- Cool and enjoy.
- Cut into 12 pieces.
This is titled
Crazy Cake, because I still don’t understand how it works. J No flour?! I made these for my daughter’s class during
standardized testing, and the kids didn’t know the difference. They were a hit!
RESET Day 1: Veggies for Breakfast
Today I am planning. I feel gross, so this is a great catalyst to get the ball rolling. I am actually sitting on my daughter's bed right now with my laptop. She's not so good at staying on task, so I am "helping" her clean her room. Then she can put her birthday presents away. :)
Anyway, I have done a lot of leg-work already. We have A and O blood types in our family. I am A, husband is O. Based on observation and comparison to what D'Adamo's book says I think son is A and daughter is O, but until that is confirmed they can eat from both lists. I have already made a list of foods that are beneficial to all of us. It is time to start implementing...again.
First thing: veggies for breakfast. I feel really good, mentally, when we eat some kind of veggies for breakfast. So, today, I will be chopping up veggies. I store them in glass pyrex containers with a wet paper towel lining the bottom. This helps keep them moist and yummy. We'll go for carrots and cucumbers since that's what I've got already. Tomorrow, we start the day with veggies and crazy cake!
Best Veggies for A & O
kohlrabi, carrots, parsnips, artichokes, broccoli
Anyway, I have done a lot of leg-work already. We have A and O blood types in our family. I am A, husband is O. Based on observation and comparison to what D'Adamo's book says I think son is A and daughter is O, but until that is confirmed they can eat from both lists. I have already made a list of foods that are beneficial to all of us. It is time to start implementing...again.
First thing: veggies for breakfast. I feel really good, mentally, when we eat some kind of veggies for breakfast. So, today, I will be chopping up veggies. I store them in glass pyrex containers with a wet paper towel lining the bottom. This helps keep them moist and yummy. We'll go for carrots and cucumbers since that's what I've got already. Tomorrow, we start the day with veggies and crazy cake!
Best Veggies for A & O
kohlrabi, carrots, parsnips, artichokes, broccoli
Wow, it's time for a reset. Fall is here, and my daughter just turned 11 years old. The celebration is over, work should be settling down, and it is time for a reset. Time to get back to healthier eating. October is one of my worst allergy months. My plan is to really test this blood type diet, keeping in mind what I've learned about traditional eating. According to the blood type philosophy, type A - me - is really susceptible to extra mucus and allergies. I've never had this problem until a few years ago, when I thought I was getting colds all the time. It was so frustrating, thinking I was eating so healthy, and yet feeling so miserable. Finally, I went in to the doctor asking for antibiotics, something I hate. He told me I did not have an ear or sinus infection, but rather an allergic reaction. Also, my intestines are rarely regular. So, time for a reset. The goal: to regulate my body. We'll see how it goes...
Thursday, September 6, 2012
God is awakening me to my passions, and I am thankful. I am so blessed to have two days during the week to myself. Listening to God's Word and praying all day long as I do what needs to be done. For every time there is a season, and now is my season of awakening. Awakening to how God is working in my life, to how He made me, to what relationship with Him really means, and to the power within me through Jesus. I am becoming a true Power Mom as I spend time every day on the porch enjoying the beautiful surroundings of God's creation, giving Him time to talk to me, and praying for my family. Warring against Satan through prayer has become a daily occurance. God loves and values my heart, and I want to keep it open to Him. I should be exhausted today, as I have been up at 5:45am all week, and while I prefer 9 hours of sleep, I am only getting 7. But, I am not! A bit tired, yes, but still thinking clearly and efficiently.
I love to write. I finally admitted it. Things become clearer when I write. My confused, angry mood can be calmed through journaling. God is awakening this inside of me again, and it is making me feel more alive. He has made each of us for a purpose, and our passions come from Him. What do you love that you are not doing? Are you letting Satan take your passion and purpose from you? Talk to God about this, and listen to the Holy Spirit. Let Him in to heal and restore you. Here's to living for Him, and not worrying about what anyone else might think about it. :)
I love to write. I finally admitted it. Things become clearer when I write. My confused, angry mood can be calmed through journaling. God is awakening this inside of me again, and it is making me feel more alive. He has made each of us for a purpose, and our passions come from Him. What do you love that you are not doing? Are you letting Satan take your passion and purpose from you? Talk to God about this, and listen to the Holy Spirit. Let Him in to heal and restore you. Here's to living for Him, and not worrying about what anyone else might think about it. :)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
What's Cookin'?
So, what's cooking on this wonderfully warm spring day? Quite a bit, actually. Amazingly, I had a big block of time...thank goodness since I have been working 5 days a week lately. Last night, I sliced up a bunch of veggies for breakfast, lunches and whatever else this week. See that shiney, new Kitchen Aide to the left? Happy Birthday to me! It's a big one this year, so I got to splurge a bit. :) Anyway, in the back you'll see the bowl full of carrot peelings and other veggie scraps ready for the chickens. This week for breakfast, I'll plop these out on the table every morning and serve up some eggs and turkey bacon to go with them. An easy way for the kids to get their first serving of veggies. I prefer to saute my veggies up and then scramble some eggs right in. So, in the fridge I have a baggie holding shredded zucchini and chopped onion. After I finish the kid's eggs, I'll dump my veg in the pan and cook 'em up. Pretty simple and yummy. I prefer to cook up a giant batch and save it for a couple days. I just put some on a small plate and heat it up in the toaster oven while I cook for the kids. Lot's of protein and veg to start your day. Hooray!
What else is cookin'?
Almond Bars
2 cups
crispy almonds*
½ c crispy
sunflower seeds
½ c
¼ c crispy
pumpkin seeds
sesame seeds
¼ tsp
sea salt
1/3 c
oven to 325F.
2. Coarsely chop almonds. While you’re at it, make it double, bag it,
and keep it in the fridge for next time.
3. Mix all dry ingredients
4. Add honey and stir to coat.
5. Line a 9x13 pan with parchment
paper. Parchment paper is amazing. Without it, removing the bars from the pan
and clean up is bleck.
6. Pour mixture into pan and spread
at 325 for 17-22 minutes. Cool. Lift sides of paper and take bars out. Cut bars and store in the fridge.
= soaked overnight in saltwater, then dehydrated. See www.thenourishinggourmet.com
for details.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Seasoning with Efficiency--Greek Seasoning
Greek Seasoning
1/3 c garlic powder
1/3c dried oregano
1/3 c dried basil
¼ c pepper
¼ c sea salt
¼ c onion powder
2 TBSP seasoning
1/3 c olive oil
1/3 c red wine vinegar
1/3 c raw apple cider vinegar
I throw in the raw apple cider vinegar just because it’s supposed to be so darned good for you. It gets hidden in the dressing, and the fam doesn’t even know it. :)
You can use 2/3 c red wine vinegar if you’d like.
Or, use whatever mixture YOUR family prefers.
Efficient, my current favorite word. This word has power. I am a Power Mom when I am doing things efficiently. I am saving time for my family. I am thinking more clearly, getting things done more quickly, using the most of our resources, blah, blah, blah. I'd better cut to the chase and be efficient with my time. :)
Greek Seasoning. It's a beautiful thing. So efficient because it can be made it bulk and thrown into just about anything, anytime. Tomorrow I will throw a few scoops into the spaghetti sauce. Everyday we use the salad dressing we make with it. The dressing can be used on salads, pasta salads, sliced potatoes that are baked in the oven, chicken that has been a bit overcooked-although my new digitial thermometer from Walmart has taken care of that problem. :) This seasoning is so brilliant (I didn't make the recipe) because it is so versitile. Of course, this is true for my family. As I stated in the last post, get to know YOUR family. If you think this will work for you then, Yeah! If not, search www.allrecipes.com. I adapted this recipe from a recipe for Greek salad dressing I found on that site.
We loved the salad dressing for a long time. Then one day, I was making spaghetti sauce and realized that I was using the same seasonings, and wah-lah, a brilliant, efficient idea formed in my head. Why not make this seasoning in bulk, and store it in a cute pint canning jar so it is available on demand? This has changed my life. No longer am I dreading pulling out the spices to make the dressing. What? We're out of dressing and we're eating dinner RIGHT NOW? No more a problem. Just unscrew the lid, add 2 TBSP of Greek Seasoning, 1/3 part red wine vinegar, 1/3 part raw apple cider vinegar, and 1/3 part olive oil. Mix it up, and done. Really, I don't even measure anymore. I have this nifty dressing container/maker from Pampered Chef, and I just eyeball it. Noone complains. :) I also use a taco seasoning that I will post later.
Efficient Budget Tip: If you don't use organic, buy your spices at Costco if possible. Big containers, small prices. For organic spices check out www.azurestandard.com. Find out if they have a drop off location set up in your area. This is a co-op...you order and pay online, then meet the truck with everyone else. Great prices, no shipping cost for $50 or more. Only $5 if you spend less.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Power Mom Gets to Know Her Family
Power Mom. Making choices for the better of her family. Well, I suppose we should get to know our families then. For example, I've tried to follow cookie cutter meal plans in the past, trying to be efficient and thinking that if it worked for that family, it must work for mine. But, I didn't even think of my family's likes or dislikes, and they always backfired. Meal plans are good, but they must follow what my family enjoys to eat or else it is worthless.
I am writing today in my pjs, and I am a bit nervous about it. I feel a pressing need to hurry up and get on with things of the day. This is because I have gotten to know my family. Will-boy is up and enjoying a video game or two while we wait for Ellie and hubby. They always sleep late. They are natural night owls, while Will and I enjoy the mornings. I used to think that I could lounge around in my pjs doing my "own" things while I waited for hubby to wake up, only to be frustrated later when I didn't have time to take a shower, or whatever else, and I was still in my pjs at 11 or noon because things started moving too rapidly once everyone was up. Finally, now, I realize weekends are just happier if I get up, listen to the Daily Audio Bible, get dressed and eat breakfast. That's why I really feel the need to get up and get going. The unpleasant feeling I get when I don't still lingers in my mind. Point being, pay attention to YOUR situation. Don't rely on what others do, their lists and how they think life should go. Use them for ideas, but then pay attention to YOUR family, honor YOUR husband, and ask God to show you how to be the wife and mom they need. He will give you the power.
I am writing today in my pjs, and I am a bit nervous about it. I feel a pressing need to hurry up and get on with things of the day. This is because I have gotten to know my family. Will-boy is up and enjoying a video game or two while we wait for Ellie and hubby. They always sleep late. They are natural night owls, while Will and I enjoy the mornings. I used to think that I could lounge around in my pjs doing my "own" things while I waited for hubby to wake up, only to be frustrated later when I didn't have time to take a shower, or whatever else, and I was still in my pjs at 11 or noon because things started moving too rapidly once everyone was up. Finally, now, I realize weekends are just happier if I get up, listen to the Daily Audio Bible, get dressed and eat breakfast. That's why I really feel the need to get up and get going. The unpleasant feeling I get when I don't still lingers in my mind. Point being, pay attention to YOUR situation. Don't rely on what others do, their lists and how they think life should go. Use them for ideas, but then pay attention to YOUR family, honor YOUR husband, and ask God to show you how to be the wife and mom they need. He will give you the power.
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