Last night, my daughter's fan was blowing papers she had pinned to her wall, and creating a ruckus preventing her from falling asleep. I took the papers down, and was just reading one as I ate my breakfast. It fed my spirit, so I thought I'd share it with you.
My daughter and I have been attempting to read through the bible this year. This was started by my father who gives his grandkids a daily walk bible for Christmas when they are in sixth grade. For the next year, he sends daily emails that go along with what we are reading. It has been fun communicating with him daily, and a blessing to be reading the bible with my growing daughter. There has been one central theme my dad has been pointing out: Obedience (to God) brings blessing, disobedience doesn't. This is evident as you read through everything the Jews went through in the Old Testament.
God's Nature (obedience brings blessing)
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faith, self-control, virtue, purity, wisdom, justice, honesty, fairness, sincerity, knowledge, understanding, grace, mercy, excellence, forgiveness, compassion, devotion, truth
Satan's Nature (disobedience doesn't)
Rejection, hatred, violence, jealousy, envy, condemnation, shame, pride, guilt, lying, lust, greed, covetousness, revenge, retaliation, slander, critical spirit, fear, unforgiveness, unmerciful, self-pity, gossip, self-centered
The paper I just read brought it to a different level. Obedience isn't just the then commandments and other "big" things, it's all the little things as well. This really hits home with my marriage. When I am obedient to God, I am not selfish or prideful. This brings blessing to my marriage. The moment I let anything from Satan's nature into my life, my blessings end. The joy and peace are gone. So, the question is, who am I serving, the Lord or Satan? Will my life be filled with blessings or curses? Will my life radiate light or darkness?
Dear Father, I desire to only serve You. May my life shine forth Jesus' light so that all will know that I belong to You. May I be different from the world, set apart for You. Please work in me the little things so I will be a servant to You and none other. May my thoughts and deeds be pleasing to you alone. Thank You for Your love and blessings. In Jesus name I pray-- Amen
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