Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Obedience Brings Blessing

Last night, my daughter's fan was blowing papers she had pinned to her wall, and creating a ruckus preventing her from falling asleep.  I took the papers down, and was just reading one as I ate my breakfast.  It fed my spirit, so I thought I'd share it with you.
My daughter and I have been attempting to read through the bible this year.  This was started by my father who gives his grandkids a daily walk bible for Christmas when they are in sixth grade.  For the next year, he sends daily emails that go along with what we are reading.  It has been fun communicating with him daily, and a blessing to be reading the bible with my growing daughter.  There has been one central theme my dad has been pointing out: Obedience (to God) brings blessing, disobedience doesn't.  This is evident as you read through everything the Jews went through in the Old Testament.
God's Nature (obedience brings blessing)
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faith, self-control, virtue, purity, wisdom, justice, honesty, fairness, sincerity, knowledge, understanding, grace, mercy, excellence, forgiveness, compassion, devotion, truth
Satan's Nature (disobedience doesn't)
Rejection, hatred, violence, jealousy, envy, condemnation, shame, pride, guilt, lying, lust, greed, covetousness, revenge, retaliation, slander, critical spirit, fear, unforgiveness, unmerciful, self-pity, gossip, self-centered
The paper I just read brought it to a different level.  Obedience isn't just the then commandments and other "big" things, it's all the little things as well.  This really hits home with my marriage.  When I am obedient to God, I am not selfish or prideful.  This brings blessing to my marriage.  The moment I let anything from Satan's nature into my life, my blessings end.  The joy and peace are gone.  So, the question is, who am I serving, the Lord or Satan?  Will my life be filled with blessings or curses?  Will my life radiate light or darkness?
Dear Father, I desire to only serve You.  May my life shine forth Jesus' light so that all will know that I belong to You.  May I be different from the world, set apart for You.  Please work in me the little things so I will be a servant to You and none other.  May my thoughts and deeds be pleasing to you alone.  Thank You for Your love and blessings.  In Jesus name I pray-- Amen

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I Will Not Knock On Wood!

 I think I've written about this before, but it has come up in my life again lately.  The other day I overheard a conversation and someone wanted to knock on wood.  I am saddened that Christians feel the need to do this.  After thinking about it, I could picture my self interrupting saying, "No!  You do not need to knock on wood!  We believe in the Almighty God!  He is good and all powerful!  He will take care of you, not this piece of fake wood you are knocking on!"
The bible makes it clear in the Old Testament that we are not to believe in these superstitions of the world.  Yet, the other day when my daughter said, "I think I am the only kid in my school that hasn't had the stomach flu since first grade," (she's  in seventh grade now) I marveled at her innocence and boldness.  She was not afraid to say something good about her life.  She was not afraid that the opposite would come true.  I did not burst her bubble, but I did pray.  I do not want her to loose her child-like faith like I have.  I admit, I am afraid to say something positive about my life.  I am afraid to admit things are going well for fear that things will take a turn for the worse.  Maybe Satan has done this to me in the past.  He has made me, and others feel like if they actually knock on wood everything will remain good.  What fools we are.
I don't want to be a fool or a fraidy cat any longer.  I want to have faith in the all powerful God of the universe.  The God who loved me so much He sent his Son to die for me so I can have a direct relationship with Him for eternity.  The God who lives in me.  I am going to listen to the song, "Greater" by Mercy Me, and remember that the God in me is greater than he who is in the world.  I will be thankful for all the things God has done for us, and not be afraid to say them out loud.  I will not give Satan an edge by bowing down to a piece of wood!
Dear Lord, I pray for the confidence in You to not be afraid.  I stand against this lie Satan has fed me. I pray for a child-like faith and not fear.  You are the greatest, and You live in me.  Praise Jesus!  Amen

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Menu Planning - Ugh!

I hate menu planning!  Sometimes I wonder if Satan knows how great life is when I menu plan, and that is why I have this mental block.  I was really good with planning our meals when we went gluten-free.  Now, this week, we have fallen apart.  So the struggle begins.  I have done this in the past, so I don't know why it's such a hassle.  I need to start with prayer:
Dear Lord, Please release the block on my brain regarding menu planning.  I pray that I will be able to sort through what my family likes and doesn't like, and what type of meals we need to go with our schedule.  I pray that this time spent will be profitable to my family.  Above all, may Your will be done.  In Jesus name I pray--Amen
Whew!  OK
STEP ONE: What type of meals does my family like to eat?
Pasta, Mexican, Stir-Fry, BBQ, Sandwich, Basic, Leftovers  Alright, that was pretty easy. 

STEP TWO: Basic Weekly Template (We don't eat fish or pork.)
Sunday: BBQ with double meat for leftovers.
Monday: Chicken
Tuesday: Ground Beef
Wednesday: Leftovers/Date Night
Thursday: Chicken
Friday: Beef

STEP THREE: Plug in recipes using each meal type one time per week.
Sunday: BBQ with double meat for leftovers.
Monday: Green Spaghetti broccoli, fruit
Tuesday: Taco lettuce wraps (or tacos), refrieds, Spanish rice?
Wednesday: Leftovers/Date Night
Thursday: Chicken Stir Fry using leftover grilled or crock pot chicken.  Rice, broccoli, fruit
Friday: Shredded Beef with lots of leftovers for weekend lunches.  Onion, carrots, other veg and fruit

Sunday: BBQ with double meat for leftovers.
Monday: Greek Pizza, salad, veg, fruit
Tuesday:  Ground Beef Stir Fry, rice, broccoli
Wednesday: Leftovers/Date Night
Thursday: SW Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps, refrieds, chips, veg
Friday: Shredded Beef Sandwiches with leftovers for weekend.

Sunday: BBQ with double meat for leftovers.
Monday: Chicken Quesadillas, refrieds, spa rice?, guac
Tuesday: Lasagna in a bowl., or just plain old lasagna
Wednesday: Leftovers/Date Night
Thursday: Turkey Breast (for a change!) From Cost-Co., veg, fruit
Friday: Chalupa (roast, no surprise here!), beans, chips, veg, fruit


Sunday: BBQ with double meat for leftovers.
Monday: Chicken Caesar Salad, veg, fruit
Tuesday: Indian Ground Beef
Wednesday: Leftovers/Date Night
Thursday: Summer Chicken "Burgers", veg, fruit
Friday: Shredded Beef Burritos, refrieds, veg, fruit

Holy smokes!  Seriously, I don't know why doing this hurts so badly.  It is such a load off to have this done.  Even if we don't stick with it, at least there's a plan. 
How's your plan?  Are you good at this, or do you struggle like me?  If you don't meal plan, I urge you to try it.  Don't follow mine, create your own - unique to your family.  Go for it!  Just don't forget to look at it when life gets moving.  :)

Dear Lord, Thank You for the resources to plan these meals.  I pray that I will remember to follow it.  May it bring good, healthy food and peace to our family.  In Jesus name I pray--Amen


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Gluten-Free Update

Gluten-Free update:  We gave up!  :)  I had to laugh the first week when Little Man came home from a friends house and asked, "Do those peanut butter crackers have gluten in them?"  Uh, yes, Little Man.  Crackers are wheat, and wheat has gluten!  I am smiling right at this moment...  What was I expecting?  He is so polite, he rarely says no because he doesn't want to make people feel bad.  And, what kid doesn't love peanut butter crackers?  Obviously, a more detailed lesson on what gluten is would have helped.  Oh yeah, there was also the time we went out for frozen yogurt and he added two chocolate covered pretzels to his delicious treat.  What was I supposed to do?  Make him throw them away?!  He had already had the crackers anyway! :)
Then there's Hubby...well it's hard to deny him a beer every now and then.  Especially after a long and stressful week at work.  That's the only gluten he had, though.
Dear Daughter hung in there the longest.  She rejoiced when we gave up!  We did go past the two weeks and the gluten was out of our systems when she proclaimed that she still felt the same!  She has been enjoying her frosted mini-wheat cereal and we all celebrated with whole-grain mac and cheese, which is a special treat in our house.  :)
I am feeling like I have brain fog.  I hate it when I my mind isn't working as it should!  I will re-assess after this week.  Could be hormones.  Intestinally, I am pretty good.  Yeah.
We did find some yummy healthy snacks, I was an awesome meal-planner and started making our homemade treats again.  So, all in all, I think it was worth it.
Dear Lord,  Thank You for using this to bring about good in our lives.  I pray that we will continue to follow Your lead in our lives.  In Jesus Name I pray--Amen

Essential Oils vs. Head Cold. Part III

Day 5
Just a quick update...
Little Man is still coughing.  He woke up last night at 4 or so saying he couldn't stop coughing.  We rubbed the frankincense, rosemary and eucalyptus blend on his chest (after applying a layer of coconut oil), behind his ears, wrists and feet.  Then I tucked him into bed.  He coughed a few more times, but that was it.  I love that I didn't have to give him medicine!  You know that struggle...you want him to stop coughing, but know he'll be exhausted when he has to get up and go to school?  I am loving these oils!
Dear Lord, I am so thankful that these oils are working.  Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!  I pray they will continue to work, and that Little Man will be totally better soon.  In Jesus Name I pray– Amen

Part I    Part II

Monday, August 4, 2014

Double Challenge - Essential Oils vs. Head Cold Part II

If you want to read part one, click here.  :)  Another disclaimer...I am not an expert on anything, but a mom and helpmeet doing what she thinks is good for her family.
Little Man stayed home from school Friday.  Good thing too, as he had a 100 degree temp by late afternoon.  We applied essential oils (see part one) all day, he took two epsom salt baths and basically laid around all day long.  He never needed anything for the temp, but did take two short naps.
Day Two  Feeling better!  Energy is back, no temp.  Cough is setting in, lots of congestion.  Time to add new oils to our regimen.  Little Man has had success in the past with a mixture of Frankincense, Rosemary and Eucalyptus (equal parts mixed together) when he has a cough.  Last year, he had a cough that would just not go away, and Hubby was ready to take him to Urgent Care for antibiotics.  We used these oils for one or two nights, and it was gone.  So, we rubbed this mixture on his feet, wrists and behind his ears throughout the day.  We also rubbed it on his chest and then applied a warm washcloth one time.  The On Gaurd oils were also used.
Day Three Much better!  Cough sounds like a tickle, and isn't bad at all.  Nose is VERY runny, but I'll take that over congestion.  Gave him benedryl at night to dry it all up.  He slept all night.  We kept alternating the oils throughout the day.
Day Four Little Man is back at school.  We rubbed the oils on his feet before he left, and we'll do it again when we get home.  He will be at football practice this evening.  Sweet victory appears to be ours.  :)
Dear Lord, I thank You for these natural wonders.  I pray for wisdom as we use them in our lives.  Thank You for always watching over us.  In Jesus name I pray--Amen

Friday, August 1, 2014

Double Challenge

**DISCLAIMER:  I am not an expert, just a Mom and Helpmeet.  Here is a great site that I go to for expert help: everythingessential.me.

My little man is home sick today.  Yesterday he was complaining of a sore throat, and was obviously congested.  Add to that an hour of football practice in the rain followed by an hour of football practice in the cold.  This morning he awakes miserable and tired.  This all leads to a challenging conversation with Hubby.  Challenging because we do not see eye to eye.  I could say annoying instead of challenging, but when I think of it, he is probably annoyed with me as well. 
Hubby's point of view is this (as I see it): Little Man is sick.  Little Man is in football.  Little Man needs to miss as few practices as possible so he can play in the game.  Get Little Man to Urgent Care for antibiotics.
My reaction tends to be: Are you kidding?! 
This of course gets me nowhere good.  So I choose to not say that out loud.  :) I agree about not missing practices.  I disagree about antibiotics.  It is my view that antibiotics are way over used, and we are headed down a dangerous road toward super-bugs and drug-resistant bacteria.  Our bodies are stronger than people think.  We just want immediate results, and hate to be sick.
So, I have a challenge before me.  A couple actually.  1.  Don't be a jerk to my Hubby just because he has a different point of view.  2. Be very diligent in my care of Little Man so he will get better quickly!
So, here is the plan:
1. Lots of liquids!
2. Two Epsom salt baths combined with essential oils.
3. Essential Oil application all day long.
4. REST.
Last year we started using essential oils, and discovered that they work.  Today I will be using a blend based on doterra's On Guard product.  You can buy doterra oils on Amazon, or you can sign up with their company and order every month.  I don't buy doterra oils because we just can't afford them.  I buy other oils from Amazon because they are less expensive, but are still 100% essential oils with no fillers.  I figure I need to honor God by staying within my budget.  I trust that He will take care of us with the resources He's given us.  I have bought the ingredients for this blend and just combined them to make my own.
Anyway, I am rubbing this blend (orange oil, clove oil, cinnamon oil, eucalyptus oil and rosemary oil) on Little Man's feet, wrists and behind his ears pretty much any time I think of it.  I want to get a good dose into his system.  I will also rub his back several times today using the doterra Aroma Touch technique.  This link will take you to a short video showing you how to do this.  There are many other videos explaining the hows and whys. 
This conversation with Hubby and the looming football practices and games are actually helping me to step up my game as we attack this cold so I guess I shouldn't be irritated by it.  Instead I welcome the challenge.  Hopefully I will be writing a victory post soon!

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom an guidance as I attempt to nurse Little Man back to health.  I pray for grace and respect as I interact with my husband.  Please bring us to the same page in our thinking.  May we kick this sickness without the need for doctors and antibiotics.  In Jesus Name I pray-Amen

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Money Monday: Yard Sale Find

(We ended up cashing in the spoons for $25.  Paid for this cabinet +$5!)

Money has certainly been on my mind lately.  I am a substitute teacher, and we are at the end of our summer, so I haven't been paid for eight weeks now.  I have been searching for ways to earn extra money, but no luck yet.  However, I do have a way to save money...shop yard sales!  Actually, this can actually be a way to earn money as well.  My husband is always on the look out for silver items. This weekend, he found several spoons which I will be taking to our local Cash for Gold and Silver store this afternoon.  I'll let you know how that turns out later.
Today I wanted to show you a fun yard sale find.  Until this weekend, we have been keeping our laptop on a little table next to the tv.  Since the laptop is old, it has to stay plugged in all the time so you have to use it where it is, or drag it to the nearest chair.  The battery pack and cord are always out in the open, just waiting for someone to trip over them.  But this weekend, husband found this little cabinet:

What does this have to do with my laptop you ask?
 Well, just watch this:

A nifty compartment to hold the lap top, and a flip-up desk.

I tried to put another picture with the laptop all set up, but it isn't working for some reason.
I digress...The point is, you can find some really cool stuff at yard sales for a fraction of the price.
Yard sale tip: If you wait until later in the day, you could get a really great deal.  Of course, someone could buy what you want as well.  In this case, husband went back to the yard sale and offered $20 for this cabinet.  They were originally asking $50, but accepted his offer.  Did I mention the bottom drawer is a file drawer?  Now I can move my files out of the laundry room!  Woo-hoo!

Dear Lord, Thank you for always meeting all of our needs and then some.  Thank you for a husband who loves to yard sale shop. Thank You for this fun little nook to type this blog. 
 In Jesus name I pray--Amen

Friday, July 25, 2014

Gluten Free Week 2 Plan and Results

Week Two, here we go!  Result are in italics.

Same as Week 1

Same as Week 1

Sunday: Grill up lots of chicken.  :) Freeze for week.  Veggie packs on grill.  Gluten Free Mac and Cheese - Annie's - from Walmart.  The Mac and Cheese was good, but $2.56 a box.  We ate two boxes!
Monday: Green Spaghetti using leftover grilled chicken.  Broccoli, salad-caesar?, fruit
*Cook gluten-free spaghetti and drain.  Combine one small jar pesto sauce and one small container of shredded parmesan cheese in pot and stir until combined.  Add spaghetti and chicken a little bit at a time and mix to coat.  Put lid on pan until ready to serve-the chicken will heat up in the pot.  We love this!  It is a definite favorite in our house.  No one noticed the change in pasta.
Tuesday: Taco lettuce wraps, refrieds, Spanish rice, ?
*Cook up a double batch of ground beef.  Add taco seasoning to some and set aside the rest.  Set up a buffet type taco bar: olives, avocado, tomatoes, cheese, etc.  Don't forget the lettuce to wrap it up in!  And, probably, corn chips.  Oops!  I defrosted shredded beef on accident.  No worries, just cooked up shredded beef "enchiladas" instead.  Layer corn tortillas, beef, cheese, sauce, repeat.  Cook until bubbly.
Wednesday: Chicken Stir Fry using leftover grilled chicken and Teriyaki sauce.  Snap peas, water chestnuts, and whatever else you like.  Serve with rice and broccoli.  Yummy
Thursday: Indian style ground beef  This was good.  I was surprised...I didn't think I would like the spices, but this will be a keeper.  Similar to Asian Ground Beef Stir Fry, but different seasonings.  Added fresh cucumber from the garden.  Served with rice.
Friday: Hubby is grilling London broil.  He's cutting it thin, and making enough for weekend lunches.  Salad, veggies, fruit  Contemplating more mac and cheese.  :)

Peanut butter balls  I forgot how good these are.  I only had time for a single batch, but will likely make a double batch as soon as they are gone.  Kids have been eating them for breakfast along with a banana.  Peanut butter, oats, raw honey, better than your average cereal!
Z bars (made by Cliff bars)
Lots of fruit and veggies
nachos (with real cheese of course!)
So far, so good.  We've found a lot of snacks/chips that we like.  The real test will come tomorrow if we go out of town.  Will we pack our food or attempt to eat out?  It takes two weeks for the gluten to get out of your system, I would hate to mess that up when we are so close!  My daughter started taking fiber as her body was noticing the difference.  I hope we make it through the weekend.  I would hate for this to be in vain!
Dear Lord, Please give us the strength to keep going.  May it be abundantly clear if this is how we should be eating or if gluten doesn't affect us.  We desire to be healthy and ready to do your work!  In Jesus Name-Amen

Seasoning with Efficiency - Taco Seasoning

Taco seasoning is used in my kitchen quite a bit.  Therefore, I make it in bulk and store it in my cabinet for easy use.  Making it reminds me of the fun I had using colored sand or salt as a kid to make art in little baby food jars.  I don't think I am explaining that correctly... I remember layering the colored sand into little jars and making pictures with it.  Layering all the seasonings in the pint jar is fun and it looks pretty.  :)

1/2 c chili powder
1/3 c + a little bit more paprika
1/4 c + 2 TBSP cumin
1/4 c onion powder
1/4 c salt
3 TBSP + 1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

Layer in a pint sized jar and admire the beauty.  The shake it up until mixed.

**I do not actually measure out the extra TBSP and tsp.  I just eyeball it and it turns out just fine.  When I increased the recipe on allrecipes.com, this is what it came out to be.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

School Lunch Emergency!

This picture may not look like much, but it saved my kid's lunches today.  See that big zip lock on the right?  It is stuffed with snack sized bags of sliced leftover chicken.  This brilliant idea comes from my husband.  He packed all these bags so he could take them for his lunch if there were no leftovers. Well, last night that happened.  Hubby got the leftovers, but the kids had nothing.  Never fear!  Leftover grilled chicken is here!  I just reached in, and popped one in each box.  Lunches saved.  That was last night, hopefully they won't still be frozen today.  And the adventure continues...
Dear LORD,  Thank You for ideas like these.  Thank You for my husband.  In Jesus name-- Amen

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Early Dinnertime!

Sigh, today is the first day of school, and I am missing my kids!  Many great things have happened this summer.  Our family has settled into a nice routine.  One major thing that will be different this year is dinner.  Usually, the kids and I get home from school and we are HUNGRY!  We kick back and eat, eat, eat.  Then it's time to make dinner.  Do you see the problem here?  I end up rushing around trying to get a million things done and cook dinner at the same time.  My daughter and I usually end up in some sort of passionate argument because I am stressed to the max knowing that when hubby gets home he will be as hungry as we were, and VERY grumpy if he can't eat right away.
Gone are these days!  It is official: dinner time is 4 pm.  We tested this out two days ago, and it was amazing!  The kids and I ate a healthy dinner, and things were cleaned up and stress free when Dad got home.  We don't eat dinner with Dad, but we do relax with him, and have time to play afterward.  I spent the evening marveling at how peaceful and joyful life could be.  I think this is the way to go for us.  How about your family?  Spend some time watching and praying about what would be best in your household.
Dear Father, thank You for this revelation.  I think You have been prompting me for quite some time, and I am thankful that You didn't give up!  In Jesus Name I pray-- Amen

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Reminder: Rely on God

Yawnnnn!  School starts tomorrow and I am tired!  Gone are the days of sleeping in and being fully awake throughout the day.  Back are the sleep deprived days requiring me to depend on the Lord.  God has wired my body to need 8-9 hours of sleep in order to fire on all cylinders.  That's not easy in this world!  I love being awake and fully functional, and detest the opposite.  While it's good to know this about myself, it can also make sleep a crutch.  I get so caught up in what time I need to get to bed that I forego all else, including dear hubby.  This can cause big problems.  I need to find that balance between being smart with my time and relying on God to meet all my needs.  If hubby needs to stay up late talking, I should count my blessings that he confides in me, not worry about my lack of sleep!
Dear Father,
Thank You for meeting all of my needs.  May I be open to the Holy Spirit's leading throughout the day, and be wise with my time.  Please lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one.  I give You this upcoming school year, and look forward to what You teach us.  Please show me how I can be a blessing to my children's teachers.  May our faith in You shine through.  I pray that I will remember to rely on You, the God of all creation, and not on myself.
In Jesus name I pray--Amen 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Having Faith, Not Fear

Do you ever fear that things are going too smoothly and a bomb is about to drop?  We just had a glorious Sunday, and it feels like all is right in my little world.  As I told my husband how happy and content I was, I began to think of all the terrible things that could happen.  I have to fight that...the feeling of needing to knock on wood.  The bible says we should not partake in these superstitions.  Our God is controlling the universe, and He is for us, who can be against us?  Satan would love to knock me down off my joyful pedalstol, but God will lift me back up.  The joy of The Lord is my strength.  Therefore, I dare to say, I enjoyed a fantastic day yesterday!
Thank you God for days like these.  May we never let Satan rob us of our joy.  May we always follow you and never be afraid to testify of the great things in our lives.  May we never knock on wood, but always come sit before your throne, and trust in You alone.  In Jesus all powerful name I pray--Amen

Friday, July 18, 2014

Gluten-Free Week 1 Plan and Results

The time has come: Gluten free for four weeks!  The biggest challenge for us will be snacks.  No crackers or tortillas?  What?  Luckily, I have recipes ready to go, I just haven't made them in a while.  Here's the plan: Results are in italics.

Crazy Cake - Yes, you can eat this for breakfast!!
Eggs and melted cheese + fruit or veggies This was a hit with Sweet Son.  Daughter still won't try it.  She's been eating Zbars and fruit.  We'll have to work on this next week.

Leftovers!  We've been eating everything with taco chips.  Another thing we'll have to work on next week.
Salad with leftover chicken, tuna or canned salmon - Me
Fruit and Veggies

Monday: Lasagna type pasta (gluten-free of course)  I may just eat this without the pasta. 
Broccoli or Garlic Green Beans, salad, fruit Side note: I don't do much measuring when I cook.  I try to make things as brainless as possible but still have it taste good.  First I mixed a small tub of Ricotta cheese with a quart sized bag of shredded mozzarella.  Then I layered gluten free penne pasta (Barilla brand which I bought at Walmart), cheese mixture, ground beef, and spaghetti sauce in a glass bowl until full and put the lid on.  Popped it in the small electric "toaster" oven we have on the counter until melted and bubbly.  Hubby really liked this.  He brought it for lunch all week.
*Cook up extra ground beef for Wednesday!
*Cook Crockpot Quinoa in crockpot for Tuesday.

Tuesday: Southwestern Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps
                *Cook chicken in the crockpot.  Shred and add celery, onion?, mayo and taco seasoning to
                   taste.  Serve avocado, salsa, etc. on the side.  Cook extra chicken and freeze it for later! 
I ended up using leftover chicken I found in the freezer.  I cut it up into small pieces with my chicken scissors.  Forgot about the lettuce, ate with corn chips.  This is a keeper.
                  *Quinoa mixed with something to make it Southwestern-onions, cilantro, cumin, garlic?   
                       How about green chilies?  This is not a keeper.  Turns out everyone refuses to eat quinoa, including Hubby.  Good thing I have chickens to feed it to.  The crockpot did cook up the quinoa nicely, though.
                  *Veggies and Fruit

Wed: Asian Ground Beef Stir Fry
                 *Use ground beef from Monday.  Sautee onions, green pepper and garlic.  Add meat, teriyaki sauce, woreceshire, red pepper flakes, water chestnuts and whatever else you like.  Just found out soy sauce and teriyaki can contain gluten!  Must look into this and re-read my labels.  This was a hit with Hubby and Son.
                 *Asian salad?, veggie, fruit, quinoa No quinoa for my family!  Served with rice.

Thursday: Summer Chicken "Burgers"
          *Grill or bake chicken breasts to your liking.  Serve with melted provolone, green chilies,  
             sautéed onions, avocado  Ended up crock-potting two large packages of chicken.  Used water and lemon juice, cooked on high 4 hours.  I have a ton left over!  Yeah!  Using the same baking bowl from Monday, layered shredded chicken, sliced provolone and green chilies.  Baked in small oven until melted.  Hubby said this was a keeper.  Daughter, who ate just plain chicken, said it was really good.  Victory!
          *Salad, Green beans or broccoli, refrieds, corn chips 
          *Fruit and Veggies

Friday: Shredded Beef Tacos (crockpot), refrieds, Spanish rice?  Make extra for weekend lunches. Cook in crockpot with water, garlic and salt.  Have green chilies on hand at dinner time for Hubby.

Sat and Sunday:  BBQ, salad, veg, fruit  Sunday, grill extra meat for use in meals next week!!!

Almond Bars This wasn't a big hit this go-round.  Son said it needed chocolate chips.  I agree.  Everything is better with chocolate chips!
Lots of fruit and veggies!  We had a ton of these on hand.
Frozen grape kabobs.  Slide grapes onto BBQ skewers, put in a freezer zip lock bag and keep in the freezer.  The kids love these!

So far, so good.  The kids are the ones really missing bread, crackers, etc.  Especially when we walk past the Subway inside Walmart.  It smells so delicious!  Planning meals ahead of time is such a blessing and something I haven't done in a long time!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Baby Step: Keep the Table Clean!

I have been pondering what is truly important in life.  I am tired of stinking thinking...worrying what I look like, what others think of me, getting overwhelmed by all the little things that need to be done.  I know someone who fighting just to be alive one more day.  She is still preparing to go to work when school begins, and desires to see her first grandchild be born and her youngest son graduate high school.  Life is truly this fragile, but we all to often forget.  With this reminder, my musings now are often about "What is truly important?".
I was recently reminded of a quote that goes something like this, "We are not raising children, but adults."  Which begs the question, what kind of adults are we raising our kids to be?  The habits I help my kids form now, are the habits they will take with them into adulthood.  Therefore, keeping the house clean, and teaching them to be responsible stewards of their belongings is truly important.  Plus, as a bonus, by taking care of things as we go, and not letting them pile up, we should have more time to enjoy life.
I have decided we need a baby step: KEEP THE TABLE CLEAN.  Baby steps are like battles in the war.  My war is against people who don't clean up their messes when they are done.  I am SO tired of seeing dishes in our living room.  Not to mention that tv is not truly important.  Guess what?  We are going to start eating at the table.  What a unique idea.  Our table is over 100 years old.  It stretches out to seat over 12 people, and I love to think of the families that have sat around this table in the past.  I want our family to be a part of that history.
School is starting for us next week, and I have been plagued with a sadness as I realize how little time I have left with my children living at home.  My daughter is entering seventh grade.  I just want to grab her and spend every moment I have with her.  My son is going into fourth grade.  I love the stories and conversations that come about while we are eating together around the table.  I think a question I have been pondering may have just been answered.  Maybe now is not the time to be thinking of opening an ETSY shop.  Maybe now is the time to be focused on my family and what they love to do.  For when they are gone, I will have plenty of time to pursue my dreams.  Hmmm.
Dear Lord,
Please open my eyes to what is truly important, and to Your will.  May I have no regrets.  In Jesus Name I pray--Amen. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Life Changer: What's Truly Important in Life?

I just had a phone conversation with a neighbor that brought life back into perspective. She had lunch last week with a friend, that I know as well, and informed me today that her friend is now at the end of her fight with cancer.  This woman has been fighting for years.  So many treatments, and now she is finished.  The cancer is throughout her body, and she is done.  And yet she still goes on.  She is fighting to see her youngest son graduate high school and her first grandchild be born.  But, reality is, she might not make it that long.
My neighbor and I talked about how we hear news like this, and we feel terrible for spending so much time dwelling on all the little things in life.  Things like, wrinkles, belly fat, and clutter.  We vow to enjoy life and not worry about the superficial, but then we slide right back into stinking thinking.  What will it take to truly change our outlook on life?  How do we balance enjoying the here and now with life's demands?
Dear Lord,
I seek the answers to these questions.  I want to enjoy and treasure life now.  Please save me from having to experience a traumatic, life-altering experience in order for me to truly understand what is important in life.  Please show me what is important to You.  Bless me with your perspective.  May I not waste time on superficial, worldly goals and thoughts.  May I follow you, and live life to the fullest.  In Jesus all powerful name I pray--Amen

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Crockpot Quinoa

If you are going to cook something, make it as easy as possible and double it!

Crockpot Quinoa (this recipe has been tripled)

4.5 c quinoa
9 c chicken broth/liquid (Adjust liquid to your liking.  This will make soft quinoa.)
3 T olive oil
1.5 tsp salt

1. Rinse quinoa in a fine mesh strainer until the water runs clear!  THIS STEP IS A MUST!!  QUINOA WILL BE BITTER IF YOU SKIP THIS STEP.
2. Dump quinoa into the crockpot.
3. Add oil and mix it around.
4. Add broth and salt.
5. Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours or on high for 2-4. 
The quinoa is done when you can fluff it with a fork and it is tender.
Freeze extra for use later.

Gluten Free Day 0

We have been going through quite a lot the past few weeks...literally.  We have gone through our house de-cluttering, and today I went through my recipe binder preparing for the upcoming four weeks.  This next month, we will be going through an experiment...gluten-free eating.  The purpose of this is to stop wondering if it would help our health.  Hubby and I have digestive issues, Daughter has skin issues, and Son gets to go along for the ride - much to his dismay.  :)  He has skin issues as well, but gluten was ruled out as the culprit when he was little.  His skin is just sensitive to external irritants like chlorine.

My sister-in-law has recently gone the way of a gluten-free diet.  She had digestive issues and skin issues that have cleared up to the point that she claims she will not eat gluten again.  She feels too good to go back.  Honestly, I don't know if I want this to be the case for us or not.  I like bread, but I also would love to feel good on a regular basis.  It would be great to figure out this mystery on the first try.

According to my sister-in-law, gluten stays in your system for two weeks.  Therefore, the one month trial.  If gluten is a problem, we should be feeling better by Week 3.  There have been blessings already...I am planning ahead and have finally gone through my recipes.  This has been on my to do list for weeks.  Maybe months.  I haven't planned a weeks worth of meals in months.  How embarrassing!  If I don't plan, life is just a crap shoot.  Planning keeps me on my toes, even if I don't completely follow the plan.  Hopefully, I will post plans and recipes on this site.  No promises, you never know what life will bring. 

Dear Lord-
I give this month to You.  Please make us strong and I ask that we not mess up.  We don't want to add any unnecessary extra time to discovering if gluten is the culprit in our health issues.  I pray for clarity and wisdom.  In Jesus Name--Amen

Monday, June 30, 2014

Living Free and Simply--Victory in the War on Clutter

Wow.  God granted me the energy to go full-steam for three days de-cluttering our house.  I have sorted through every cabinet and drawer here!  Then I totally crashed on Sunday, which was appropriate as it is supposed to be the Sabbath anyway.  Husband was so happy with my hard work, he was pleased to let me relax and do as I pleased.  Victory in many ways!
The kids and I went through each of their rooms together, and I am happy to say every drawer can now close, and some are even empty!  The closets are pleasant to look at and they rediscovered toys they forgot about.  We filled up multiple garbage bags and tubs to take to the thrift stores.  In the process we really thought about our buying habits and what is really important to us.  Anything we buy, we will have to take care of...will we really enjoy it, or will we end up having to sort through it and give it away?  I don't think any of us wants to sort through anything in the near future!  The fewer things we have, the simpler life is.  We don't want to be hindered by our stuff.  We want to be free to go where God leads us.
Sweet Will did have time to spend some money this weekend, and he made a good purchase.  He loves to spend money as soon as he gets it, but we made him wait a week to really think about it this time.  He decided to buy a watch.  A good purchase, because now that we have gone through his room, we know he doesn't have one.  There were so many things we had two or more of just because we didn't keep good track of our things.
Now on to the second battle--keeping things picked up!  Everything has a place, now we just need to develop good habits.  For instance, when you are done with something, put it away.  Put your garbage into the trash can--yes, I actually do find it strewn about the house.  This is something I just don't understand.  The iAllowance app is up and running.  More on that later this week.  Today we clean--vacuum, dust, etc.  Tomorrow the real battle begins. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kid's chores and allowance

Ha.  I just found this old post in my draft folder.  How appropriate because today, I am declaring war against clutter and kids not taking care of their things.  I have not raised children who would make it on their own as of yet.  Ellie is now 12 and Will is 10, and I am still constantly picking up their things.  I naively assume that if I tell them to not leave plates on the couch, they won't do that any more.  How silly I am.  So today it begins.  They got a warning last night after I discovered the mailbox key was not put back in its place and is now missing.  We will be going through their rooms and the house all day today.  If something doesn't have a place, then we need to get rid of it because it means we have too much stuff.  They are to use the chore lists on their iAllowance apps (which is a great app by the way) every morning and evening.  Twice a day I will conduct a full house check-INCLUDING THEIR ROOMS!  If their stuff is put away, and the chore list is complete, then they earn an extra quarter.  If not, they owe me a quarter.
Ugh, I have to be consistent with this.  We are going to do it for one month.  Hopefully by then, new habits will be formed.  We did do my first idea for a while, but then it fell to the wayside.  This is my fault.  I need to be diligent and follow through.  I need to be strong and stop enabling my children's negative behavior. 
Dear Father,
Please grant me a clear head, and a soft heart.  May we get through this day efficiently and lovingly.  Please give us eyes to see what we truly love and want to keep and what is just adding clutter to our lives.  We love You and want to live for You.  Please give me the wisdom and strength I need to raise responsible adults and not children.
In Jesus Name I Pray--Amen


I recently read a quote that made perfect sense to me..."A parent's job is to raise adults, not children." It is a constant struggle, because they are kids. :) My husband and I want to teach our children how to manage money and how to take care of themselves when they leave the house. With my new focus on efficiency, I have put together a plan which implements allowance, chores and addressing negative behaviors.
Monday is a big chore day for me, so I was inspired to complete this list of chores for the kids. Once I think of something, I like to go for it immeadiately! :)

Each DAILY task = 10 cents
Each WEEKLY task = 25 cents
1. feed Kady (E) collect eggs (W)
2. feed Frank (E)
3. sort laundry
4. empty garbage cans
5. walk Kady and get the mail
6. unpack backpack/lunch box
7. complete homework
8. help make lunches
9. put laundry away
10. empty dishwasher
11. pick up stairs
12. help cook dinner
13. set the table
14. load dishwasher
15. sweep kitchen
16. Make dad’s coffee
17. Make dad’s lunch
18. nightly pick up
19. Read 20-30 minutes
1. clean Frank’s cage (E) vacuum stairs (W)
2. clean chicken coop (E) clean windows (W)
3. pick up dog poop (E) pull weeds (W)
4. vacuum room (both)

Here's how we're going to work it:
Every two weeks, the kids get an empty mason jar. We have one jar filled with small marbles and 16 big marbles. Each time a daily task is completed, they get to add one small marble to their jar. When a weekly task is completed, they get to add a big marble to their jar. Here's the catch: if I have to pick up after them, or if they perform the negative behavior we are trying to eradicate, then I get to take a small marble from their jars and put it back into the big jar. On payday, we'll count up the marbles in the jars and convert them to money.
The goal is for the kids to do all 4 weekly chores and 40 daily chores. This equals 5.00. I suppose they'll have to do more to make up for the marbles they are bound to lose. We'll see how it works!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Pray Sooner

Wow, what a morning!  Hubby comes into our room this morning about six am.  My head is covered up with my pillow in an attempt to muffle the hammering and drilling sounds coming from the roofers fixing our roof.  "The rooster got out," he tells me.  "He's behind the club house.  Don't let Will go back there.  You'll probably have to use the chicken stick."  And off he goes to work.  I keep my head covered for a few more hours.  I am so thankful to have a hubby who wants me to have a job that let's me stay at home when the kids have vacation!
Rewind to six weeks ago...we picked up nine baby chicks and brought them home!  We've had chickens before, so this is not new to us.  We have been keeping them in the kid's clubhouse until last night when we moved seven of them into their chicken palace.  Two of the nine are still living in the clubhouse due to the fact that they are ROOSTERS!  Sad to say, one is already crowing and trying to dominate the ladies by pecking them.  Well, apparently, when my sweet hubby went out to check the roosters this morning, one had had enough and somehow escaped.  I wish I could have seen that happen.  :)
So, this morning my son and I are in the backyard chasing the rooster around while still in our bathrobes!  After approximately 30 minutes, my son gets too hot for his winter robe, and sheds it in favor of his boxers and cowboy boots.  My mother's heart loves this, and will treasure the memory. Finally, after about an hour we decide we have to let the dog outside.  Who knows if we will ever catch this rooster, and she is only one year old.  We can't keep her inside for much longer without messy consequences.  MISTAKE!  Puppy almost kills rooster!  Puppy is banished to the house until rooster is caught.  Suddenly it occurs to me, we haven't taken time to pray about this.  I walk around to the other side of the clubhouse and stopped my son.  We pray a short prayer for wisdom and speed.  Guess what?  That rooster was caught in the next 3 minutes.  More like 5 seconds my son, who is reading this as I write, says.  Lesson learned?  PRAY SOONER.  Don't wait so long to include God in what you are doing, or struggling with.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25

In a brief stroke of genius this evening I decided to brown up a few pounds of ground beef while making tonight's quick meal.  I declared to my family, "We are not having tacos tomorrow!"
This declaration prompts the question, "Well, what in the world are we going to have then?"
The answer is stuffed peppers!  I am going to cut a bell pepper in half, and fill it with shredded cheddar cheese and the ground beef I cooked tonight.  I may pick up some taco chips for the kiddos, and serve with refrieds.  Too bad I don't have time for Spanish rice...or maybe I do.  Hmmm.  This sounds a lot like tacos.  Grrr.  I really need to expand our side dishes.