Sunday, October 7, 2012

RESET Day 2: Crazy Cake

This is something I've been meaning to post for some time.  We've been eating this for a while, so it isn't really a RESET, but I figured I should tell you about it.  Crazy Cake got its name because it doesn't make any sense to me!  There is no flour, yet it has the consistency of cake...crazy!  Eggs aren't on the fabulous list for A or O, but from my traditional eating background, they are supposed to be great for you.  Plus, we have chickens.  :)  Peanut butter is on the A highly beneficial list.  It is a no-no for type O, but hubby eats yogurt for breakfast.
Following my "If you are taking time to cook something, double it if at all possible!" motto, I double this recipe and cook them side by side in the oven.  I store the cut up pieces in gallon size baggies.  This is so easy for kids to serve themselves for breakfast.  Decent amount of  protein - approx. 12 grams, and low on sugar - approx 13 grams, but yummy!

Crazy Cake

Adapted from:


3/4 jar almond butter, peanut butter, or a combo

4 eggs

2/3 c grapeseed oil

2/3 c pure maple syrup or rapadura raw sugar

½ c cocoa powder

4 tsp vanilla

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp sea salt


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350.  Grease 9x13 pan.
  2. Place everything into food processor with s blade.  Combine until smooth.
  3. Taste…I think this is yummy!  J
  4. Pour in pan and bake about 30 minutes.
  5. Cool and enjoy.
  6. Cut into 12 pieces.
This is titled Crazy Cake, because I still don’t understand how it works.  J  No flour?!  I made these for my daughter’s class during standardized testing, and the kids didn’t know the difference.  They were a hit!

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