Monday, December 27, 2010

Goals and Plans

Mmmm...Christmas break is always my time to try new things and make goals. This is definitely the case this year, and once again, everything is revolving around how we eat. What is the next step? What is my plan? I need to set up a template of what my week will look like regarding baking and meals or else nothing will happen. Luckily, I love to do this, and usually I can make things happen according to plan about 50% of the time. :)

So, here's what I am asking myself this year:
1. What do I want MY pantry to look like?
I've tried other's lists, but have ended up buying things that we just don't use. I think I know enough now as to what my family likes and doesn't like to create my own pantry list. I would love to buy everything from my co-op if costs permit.

2. What do I want my menu template to be?

3. I want to use all sprouted flours, make our bread and crackers and get away from processed food with all the additives, etc. What kind of schedule is that going to take?

That's about it for now. I am hoping to get this all into place by the time school starts up again. A good foundation is imperative to anything.

Friday, December 24, 2010

12 days of baking

Wow, it's been a long time. The Christmas show took over for quite a while. Thank goodness for Christmas Break! I am looking forward to my new vitamix blender which I am getting for Christmas tomorrow! I have been sprouting and dehydrating grain in anticipation. I am determined to learn how to make a good loaf of bread and to use healthy flour in all that we bake.
My new favorite blog is It is filled with all kinds of healthy eating information and recipes. Also, how to do it on a budget. My New Year's quest...determining how I want to eat, and how to do it in real life. More on that later.
12 days of baking...I have made power bars, granola bars, 2 loaves of bread and candied pretzels to give away. More next week when I get my sourdough starter. :)

Merry Christmas! Don't forget the actual reason for this season!