Thursday, March 11, 2010

March Madness

Aaahhh! It's March Madness! Today we find out if the U of A is going to the tournament. In my family this is a big deal. They might not get invited this year which would be a tragedy. But that's Duane's's mine: I don't fit into my capri pants anymore!! Thank goodness I have one pair with elastic to get me through until I get that under control. We're headed to Tucson for some warm weather, and my legs are dying to get out of pants prison. So, March Madness for me = March Missions.
Mission #1 Eat healthier. I know many of you laugh at that, but apparently I can eat a little healthier or else I would not have outgrown my pants. :) No money for new clothes, and I like the ones I have besides. I am finishing off my chocolate yummies as I write. Don't want them to go to waste--or waist :) so I better take a walk today. Ha, ha.
Mission #2 Declutter! That has begun already. Out with the old and lying around! They annual Hubbard yard sale is coming up. I am always amazed at how much we collect. Really, did we actually spend money on this stuff? Which leads me to...
Mission #3 Stop spending excess money. Ha, because there isn't excess money. Do you think I can buy only what we need? God, please grant me the wisdom to see the difference between what we truly need, and what is only a desire, and the strength to say NO! Actually, I know I have all the strength I need through Jesus, so I pray that I will use it. I also know that if we ask for wisdom, you give it, and you always give a way out of temptation, so no excuses for being unsuccessful.
Anyone else on any March Missions? I'd love to hear them. Also, any tips always welcome!

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