Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How this blog came about...

I am trying to make these posts short and sweet for easy reading, so here goes...
I have been reading through Created to be His Helpmeet (and it has totally changed my thinking and my marriage for the better...wish I had it 15 years ago!) and have been praying about what my vineyard could be. Proverbs 31 talks about the wife of noble character who buys some land and plants a profitable vineyard. I was hoping Kindermusik was going to be that profitable vineyard, but when the economy tanked, it did too. So, time to move on...
I have a very strong desire to be home and available for my children! This is why I am subbing, and it has worked well but is not consistent. Although, God has used it to make the car payment EVERY month - even months when school has vacations. I just need to deal with the inconsistency and thank God for His provision!! :) So much for short...anyway, I am always looking for employment opportunities to earn some extra money and stumbled across an ad in a Christian magazine we get. Turns out it was for this "green" company that has been around for 24 years and has a great reputation. I talked with the lady who placed the ad several times and watched a webcast about the company.
Before diving head on into holding parties, etc., I talked with Duane. One MAJOR thing I have learned from Created to be His Helpmeet is that wives are to submit to their husbands. This is not a popular idea in our culture, but me learning to submit has changed my marriage completely. So, I do nothing without Duane's input. He does not like the idea of me spending lots of time and energy on something that does not have a guaranteed financial reward. He would rather spend time together as a can I argue with that? Also, I have not personally used the products, and was not totally comfortable with promoting them yet. Hence, the idea of the blog.
I love to write. I compose in my head all day long. :) It's fun. Also, it will help me document what I am doing. I have researched whether I will be spending more money or not, but this blog will help hold me accountable, and I like that. My hope is that this company really does have products that are good for you and will help you have a healthy life. I also hope that God will use this blog to help me make some money by referring others to this company. But, above all, I hope to glorify Him and stay in His will.
I will be ordering products from this company every month and will write about my experiences with each product. They sell over 350 products from laundry detergent to vitamins and I am excited to turn my house into a chemical free zone. :) I will compare the prices from my local Walmart with the prices this company offers. I also plan on publishing healthy snack recipes and other things that will help families get healthy. I have had too many people I know and love fight battles with diseases like cancer...this is heavy on my heart. Anyway, I hope you join me and have some fun in the process.

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