Monday, August 9, 2010

Essential Oil and Green Smoothies hmmm.

Aaahhh. I'm allowing myself 15 minutes with my feet up before starting round two of my day, or it my be round three since it's dinnertime. :) Will is in the bath breathing in our wonderful essential oil mix...eucalyptus, tea tree, clove and peppermint. Just mix a few drops of each with some lotion or glycerin (available at Walmart in the Pharmacy dept) and add it to the water. It feels so good when you have a cold, which he does. 1.5 weeks into school, and he has a cold already! Stink. This year will be a test to see how healthy we are as Will enters the massive germ pool of public school for the first time. Bleck. He's got a major runny nose, but it's not keeping him down at all. So far, so good.
I went shopping today and got spinach for our smoothies. We use two big boxes of organic spinach every two weeks or so. I bring them home and pop them right into the pan with some ice cubes to cook while I am unloading everything. The box says it's been washed 3x and is ready to enjoy, so I trust the box and enjoy the time saved. Apparently, spinach is better for you if it is cooked,so I cook it as a favor to our digestive tracts. It is cooling on the stove right now, and after dinner I will put it in little snack bags and freeze them for future use. It's really not that difficult to be healthy!

This makes us 2 good sized smoothies and 1 little one.

about 1 cup of water or water kefir (more about this later) in your blender
one frozen banana (just take your mushy bananas peel, break them apart and freeze them)
a handful or two of frozen strawberries or any other berry  we also like cherry and pineapple
a snack bag at least half full of frozen, cooked spinach
a big squeeze of bottled lemon juice (we like ours tart)  OR two teaspoons of lemon flavored cod-liver oil...seriously, it only tastes like lemon, the kids will never know.

Blend it all up. Add more liquid if you need to, or if you don't like it thick. The spinach makes the smoothie bright green, and we think that is fun. You actually can't taste the spinach at all...really. We tried red peppers once and you could taste it, but not spinach. Spinach is a super food, so it's worth a try! Imagine, you can get one of your 5 veggies in a yummy smoothie! If you want yours sweet, add more fruit and definitely axe the lemon juice. Point is, it is easy to make a smoothie; adjust it to how you like it. It usually takes me a total of 7 minutes clean-up included.

Tip: Cost-co carries big bags of frozen fruit.  Some organic.  :)

Gotta run..sorry for any typos...I'm 6 minutes late for round 3!

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