Monday, June 30, 2014

Living Free and Simply--Victory in the War on Clutter

Wow.  God granted me the energy to go full-steam for three days de-cluttering our house.  I have sorted through every cabinet and drawer here!  Then I totally crashed on Sunday, which was appropriate as it is supposed to be the Sabbath anyway.  Husband was so happy with my hard work, he was pleased to let me relax and do as I pleased.  Victory in many ways!
The kids and I went through each of their rooms together, and I am happy to say every drawer can now close, and some are even empty!  The closets are pleasant to look at and they rediscovered toys they forgot about.  We filled up multiple garbage bags and tubs to take to the thrift stores.  In the process we really thought about our buying habits and what is really important to us.  Anything we buy, we will have to take care of...will we really enjoy it, or will we end up having to sort through it and give it away?  I don't think any of us wants to sort through anything in the near future!  The fewer things we have, the simpler life is.  We don't want to be hindered by our stuff.  We want to be free to go where God leads us.
Sweet Will did have time to spend some money this weekend, and he made a good purchase.  He loves to spend money as soon as he gets it, but we made him wait a week to really think about it this time.  He decided to buy a watch.  A good purchase, because now that we have gone through his room, we know he doesn't have one.  There were so many things we had two or more of just because we didn't keep good track of our things.
Now on to the second battle--keeping things picked up!  Everything has a place, now we just need to develop good habits.  For instance, when you are done with something, put it away.  Put your garbage into the trash can--yes, I actually do find it strewn about the house.  This is something I just don't understand.  The iAllowance app is up and running.  More on that later this week.  Today we clean--vacuum, dust, etc.  Tomorrow the real battle begins. 

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