Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Reminder: Rely on God

Yawnnnn!  School starts tomorrow and I am tired!  Gone are the days of sleeping in and being fully awake throughout the day.  Back are the sleep deprived days requiring me to depend on the Lord.  God has wired my body to need 8-9 hours of sleep in order to fire on all cylinders.  That's not easy in this world!  I love being awake and fully functional, and detest the opposite.  While it's good to know this about myself, it can also make sleep a crutch.  I get so caught up in what time I need to get to bed that I forego all else, including dear hubby.  This can cause big problems.  I need to find that balance between being smart with my time and relying on God to meet all my needs.  If hubby needs to stay up late talking, I should count my blessings that he confides in me, not worry about my lack of sleep!
Dear Father,
Thank You for meeting all of my needs.  May I be open to the Holy Spirit's leading throughout the day, and be wise with my time.  Please lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one.  I give You this upcoming school year, and look forward to what You teach us.  Please show me how I can be a blessing to my children's teachers.  May our faith in You shine through.  I pray that I will remember to rely on You, the God of all creation, and not on myself.
In Jesus name I pray--Amen 

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