Monday, January 24, 2011

Black Bean Brownies

Well, at least I successfully sprouted, and cooked, black beans. And, I have a bag equal to one can in my freezer, so it wasn't a total loss. The beans sprouted quite easily. Here they are in the collendar on my counter. I started them Friday night and they were ready Sunday night, but I didn't cook them until Monday morning. Just threw them in my crock pot and cooked them on low until about 4pm.
I discovered that the beans sprout without you actually seeing the sprout. Rather, you can see the bulge of the sprout beneath the skin. The picture of the bean is a sprouted bean.

As for the brownies, DISGUSTING. The recipe called for flour, beans, cocoa, eggs, sugar and flour. I'm not even going to post it here. Bleck. It tasted like something my daughter experiments with while playing with her easy bake oven. I hate that I wasted my ingredients on it. I even added mini-chocolate chips and it was gross. I kept thinking it was too thick and shouldn't it have some oil and water or something? But, I trusted the recipe. Always go with your gut. The only thing I can say is that I couldn't taste the black beans. So, maybe it's worth a try at adapting. But I don't think I'll use my expensive ingredients when I do it.

So sad, no chocolate brownies.

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